10th Annual Rosary Festival
Saturday, October 5 - First Saturday Devotion
Devotion at 8:30 AM at Participating Churches:
• Saint Anne - French Village, MO
• Immaculate Conception - Park Hills, MO
• Saint Joseph - Zell, MO
• Saint Joseph - Farmington, MO
Sunday, October 6 - Feast Day Eve Dinner
Dinner at 4:00 PM at Knights of Columbus Hall
7897 Berry Road, Bonne Terre, MO 63628
Guest Speaker: Fr. David Keong Seid, OP, an American-born Dominican Friar. A seasoned educator with experience in Macau, Hong Kong, and the U.S., he specializes in spiritual warfare, direction, and psychology. He now serves as Provincial Promoter for the Priestly Fraternities of Saint Dominic.
Dinner Details:
Includes choice of meat, vegetables, salad, rolls, drinks, and dessert
Cost: $15
RSVP by October 1
Check Payable to Shrine to Our Lady of the Rosary
Mail to: 7762 Richardson Road, Bonne Terre, MO 63628
Monday, October 7 - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM at Saint Anne Church, 5391 Hwy. Y, French Village, MO, 63036
Guest Speaker: Fr. David Keong Seid, OP
Talks: “The Meaning of the Holy Rosary” and “The Power of the Rosary”
Holy Mass: Fr. Vincent Nyman of St. Joseph Church, Bonne Terre, MO
Benediction and Q&A to follow
A complimentary Italian meal will be served. These activities are open to all members of the community.
For more information, call 314-562-5927